Sponsorimainokset kilpailuvarusteissa

Tutustu FIE:n  Publicity Code -säännöstöön >

Miekkailupukuun kiinnitettävät sponsorimerkit

  • Miekkailijan varusteiden kaikkien sponsorilogojen kokonaismäärä on enintään kolme logoa. Maksimipinta-ala on 85 cm2/logo.


Ote p.12.2 
Fencing clothing and equipment

a) If a federation and/or a fencer have signed a sponsorship contract with a commercial or other company, the logo of that sponsorship partner may be fixed at a rate of maximum of 3 logos, with a maximum area of 85 cm2 each;

In foil and epee: at the top of the sleeve of the non-sword arm of the fencing jacket; in sabre: at the top of the thigh of the non-sword side of the fencing breeches and clearly separated from the national logo.