Nostoja FIE kongressin päätöksistä: floretin ja säilän testiohjelmat 2018-2020

11.1.2019 Osana kongressin päätöksiä julkaistiin myös testiohjelmat liittyen valkoisesta valosta luopumiselle (floretti) ja flechen osittaiselle palauttamiselle (säilä).

Foil (white lamp) and Sabre (fleche): It was announced at the Congress that tests will be organised in 2018-2019 and 2019-2020.

Season 2018-2019

Foil: Paris (FRA), January 11-13, 2019.
The test will not be carried out during the official competition but apart from the competition.

Sabre: Dormagen (GER), Sabre Junior World Cup, December 15, 2018.

We will provide all necessary information and also detailed explanations for coaches, fencers, referees.

Season 2019-2020

Udine (ITA), Women’s & Men’s foil Junior World Cup, January, 04-05, 2020 
Leszno (POL), Men's Foil Junior World Cup, February 2, 2020

Sosnowiec (POL), Women's & Men's sabre Junior World Cup, December 7-8, 2019. 
Plovdiv (BUL), WC Women's & Men's sabre Junior World Cup, February 7-8, 2020

The conclusions of the tests will be presented to the Executive Committee which will then consider to submit a proposal at the 2020 Congress. 


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Kongressin päätökset kokonaisuudessaan löydät FIE:n sivuilta, FIE Urgent Letter 19.12.2018 > 

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