EFC Congress 2013
European Fencing Confederation
Information Letter no. 22-2013 (Modified)
Dear Member Federations,
as you may all know by now, the Ordinary and Elective Congress of the European Fencing Confederation was organised last Saturday in Zagreb, prior to the start of this year’s European Senior Championships. Like four years ago, 43 federations were present by their president or represented with proxies by another representative or another federation.
The congress treated only one proposal (gender balance), presented by a number of federations, and agreed to amend article 12.2 – 12.7 – 17.3 of our statutes. Thus our statutes will be soon updated on our website.
The Congress also voted for Slovenia to organize the 2015 Cadets and Junior Championships in Maribor, while Serbia offered to host them in 2016. Two candidates for the U-23 championships in 2015 will be Russia and Italy.
The first European Games take place in Baku (AZE) from 12.-28. June 2015, and fencing will be at the end of these games.
The Elective Congress first had the task to elect the president out of 3 candidates and the result of the voting was as follows:
1st round: Frantisek Janda (CZE) 18 votes, Marco-Antonio Rioja (ESP) 14 votes, Emmanuel Katsiadakis (GRE) 11 votes;
2nd round: Janda 18 votes, Rioja 16 votes, Katsiadakis 9 votes;
3rd round: Janda 23 votes, Rioja 16 votes, Katsiadakis 4 votes.
Thus Frantisek Janda was re-elected for the next four years.
The second part of the election was to decide on the new Executive Committee, where 16 candidates were proposed by the European Federations. From 43 voting ballots 42 were valid and had the following results:
Max Geuter (GER) 27 votes, Pascal Tesch (LUX) 25 votes, Ana Valero-Collantes (SWE) 23 votes, Nuala McGarrity (IRL), Vladimir Shklar (ISR), and Octavian Zidaru (ROU) 22 votes each, Marja-Liisa Someroja (FIN) and Evgeniy Tsoukhlo (RUS) 21 votes each, Krisztián Kulcsár (HUN) 19 votes. The following candidates did not get the necessary amount of votes to enter the COMEX:
David Sakhvadze (GEO) and Jacek Bierkowski (POL) 16 votes each, Franz Muller (FRA), Nikolay Mateev (ISL), and Etienne van Cann (NED) 14 votes each, Giuseppe Cafiero (ITA) 12 votes, Veselko Dumitrov (SRB) 11 votes.
At the first meeting of the new COMEX the following persons were nominated by the President for the EFC/CEE Bureau:
General Secretary: Max Geuter (GER)
Vice President: Vladimir Shklar (ISR)
Treasurer: Nuala McGarrity (IRL)
President Janda also proposed the following presidents for our various commissions:
Competitions Commission: Evgeniy Tsoukhlo (RUS)
Coach and Education Commission: Octavian Zidaru (ROU)
Promotion Commission: Ana Valero-Collantes (SWE)
Referees Commission: Vladimir Shklar (ISR)
Medical Commission: Nuala McGarrity (IRL)
Technical Commission (SEMI): Pascal Tesch (LUX)
Veterans Commission: Max Geuter (GER)
Handicapped Fencing Commission: Krisztián Kulcsár (HUN)
Athletes Commission: Krisztián Kulcsár (HUN)
Women and Sport Commission: Marja-Liisa Someroja (FIN)
Following FIE Statutes 3.6.5 the new COMEX and the Commissions will start their work officially on 1st July 2013.
With best regards,
Max Geuter
General Secretary