5-ottelun kansainvälinen tuomarikoulutus

13.10.2016 – 16.10.2016

SM-kisojen yhteydessä pidettävä tuomariseminaari. Koulutuksen pitää UIPM:n tekninen delegaatti Carlo Passiatore.

Alustava aikataulu:
to 13.10 Koulutuspäivä
pe 14.10 Koulutuspäivä
la 15.10 Käytännön osuus SM-kisan yhteydessä
su 16.10 Examination

Voit osallistua sekä tuomarikoulutukseen että SM-kisaan.

Lisätietoja ja ilmoittautumiset: saskia.halminen@fencing-pentathlon.fi, 046-9212290



Sent to: Finland, Sweden, Denmark

Finnish Fencing and Pentathlon Association and the UIPM wishes to welcome all interested participants to a referee seminar in Helsinki 13-16th of October 2016. The purpose of this seminar is to train new international referees to the Nordic countries.

The seminar will be held by UIPM technical delegate Carlo Passiatore at the Finnish Fencing and Pentathlon Association headquarters at Radiokatu 20, Helsinki.

Preliminary timetable:

Thursday 13.10
Seminar 10-12.45    Video 10 ‘ +   Introduction + General Aspect
Lunch 12.45-13.30    
Seminar 13.30-18    Judges Career + J. Qualification + J.  Placement    

Friday 14.10
Seminar 9.30-12.30    Rules Swimming -> Fencing
Lunch 12.30-13.15
Seminar 13.15-17.30    Rules Riding -> Combined

Saturday 15.10
Practical part at Finnish Championships, 8-20

Sunday 16.10
Written examination 10-15

Coffee/tea will be provided for the participants, food/lunch at own expense.

The seminar costs 50€ per person. Registration to saskia.halminen@fencing-pentathlon.fi no later than October 5th. In your entry please state the following: Name, club/country, pentathlon experience, possible refereeing experience, other relevant experience. You must be 18 years of age to enter the seminar.

Further information: saskia.halminen@fencing-pentathlon.fi, +35846 9212290



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