Viron avoimet mestaruuskilpailut 5-ottelu ja 4-ottelu
11.10.2024 – 12.10.2024
Tartu Modern Pentathlon Club Pentathlon invites everyone to participate at open Estonian Championship for 5-events and 4-events during 11-12 October 2024 in Tartu, Estonia. Estonian Championship 4-events contains swimming, fencing and laser-run, 5-events accounts contains additionally riding. Swimming and running distances depend on the age group of competitors.
At the same time there is another competition where events are riding, shooting, swimming, fencing and running (swimming and running distance depends on the age group of competitors). Each competitor can choose those events he/she wants to participate in. Masters group competitors get also age bonus points.
Participation fee is 10 EUR per competitor.
- Registration deadline is 10 October 4:00 PM. Please use the form to register each competitor using link
- Agenda (there might be small changes in timing)
Friday 11 Oct 17:00 Shooting (Ülenurme school)
19:00 Riding (Saks stables in Luunja)
Saturday 12 Oct 09:00 Swimming (Aura swimming pool)
11:00 Fencing (Turu street)
14:30 Running (Running Hall in Ujula street) 17:00 Shooting (Ülenurme school)
Registration and questions:
Toomas Ruus
tel: +372 506-9992